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Dumpling Experience Review

The afternoon commenced with a very warm welcome by our gracious hosts

Mary and Sandra.

Straight into the idea that you can use any ingredients that you fancy, mixing all flavour concoctions (the imagination can run wild), whether you have savoury or sweet taste buds.

We had observers willing to learn and participants excitedly ready with prepared ingredients-a delicious pork recipe provided by Roslyn.

Mary and Sandra demonstrated the skills of a teaspoon full of the ingredients, a little twist of the wrist, twirling between fingers or balancing and filling the wonton wrappers between forefinger and thumb then voilà the magic of so many shapes.

Their extensive ideas of 15 shapes including triangular, rectangle, bishop’s hat, money bag (good style it gives us hope of financial security), etc.

The finished shapes can be placed in a container ready for steaming for approximately 8 minutes, alternatively they can be fried.

It was even possible to steam and enjoy eating some of wonton shapes while the session was continuing.

Oh so easy to achieve a fantastic eating experience by the family, but all gone in a flash ahhh back to wrapping and shaping for the next lot.

Any inexperienced “cook” can have fun.

A great achievement Mary and Sandra well done and many thanks.



Thank you.


Mary & Sandra,

I learnt so much, history & pastry folding techniques.

​My family were pleased with their two days worth of dumplings over the weekend.

Adella Chan.

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