The XSJSS Sydney Committee are thrilled to be able to declare a surplus after finalising all our commitments for our Sydney Reunion 2018.
The main factors for this being able to be achieved are:
-Our successful fundraising by the hard working Committee leading up to the Reunion.
-Our generous Alumnae sponsors and businesses who donated both financial assistance and in kind contributions.
-Our ever diligent Committee Members who are very skilled financial negotiators and know how to achieve the best/bargain price.
-Our prudent spending and ALL of you who travelled, many at great expense, to support us during the Reunion.
With the surplus realised we have been able to make the following contributions:
-Sacred Vessels for School Liturgical Celebrations A$1,636.00. (Ciborium, Chalice and Lunette).
-Living support for retired nuns 3,000.00.
-Modem school computers 2,100.00.
-Soli Sr Genevieve 500.00.
We will keep you updated when we have any further information regarding future contributions to our Alma Mater and the Fiji St Joseph de Cluny Community.
Pamela Crabbe Devlin.